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Politics and Prose, Kosher Chinese Food and Standing Room Only
By Jennifer 8. Lee | March 17, 2008
This is one half of the audience at my Politics & Prose event at Sixth and I Synagogue which is in Chinatown. (It was like the perfect convergence of my book: literary, Jews, Chinatown).
The other half of the audience is at the right, past the laptop. It was about 150+ people, standing room only. They served (and ran out of) kosher Chinese food from Royal Dragon.
My presentation went pretty well tonight, to the point that someone suggested that I go on the Jewish comedy circuit (my humor, growing up in NYC, is a bit Seinfeld influenced). I realized that Americans aren’t really used to funny Asian-American women. American humor comes in Jewish and black, and a bit of Latino now, and that Canadian Indian guy with the western name. As for Asian American women, it’s basically like Margaret Cho…and that’s it.
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