Archive for March 20th, 2008
USA Today: “Fortune Cookie is a sweet treat, told in a lively, engaging fashion by a writer who clearly knows, and loves, Chinese cuisine.”
Thursday, March 20th, 2008Leslie Cauley reviews The Fortune Cookie Chronicles for USA Today. Overall positive, with some interesting criticisms that I hand’t heard yet, basically TMI. Too many details on Chinese food. Things you wanted to know and didn’t. (Shrug)
Derek Shimoda’s The Killing of a Chinese Cookie
Thursday, March 20th, 2008Derek Shimoda’s documentary, The Killing of the Chinese Cookie, is playing in the International Asian American Film Festival. I convinced Derek to come with me to Japan to document the Japaneseness of the cookies when I heard he was working on a documentary. I have a funny story about when we first talked on the […]
Details on the Seattle Underground Dinner
Thursday, March 20th, 2008So I just got sent the info for the details of the very cool undergroundish Seattle dinner on March 30 hosted by Michael Hebberoy and (here is a piece on his roving restaurateuring) Here’s a summary: Books and dinner for $80, coordinated in large part by Kim Ricketts (yay) one pot + the fortune […]