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Crossing paths again and again with Parag Khanna
By Jennifer 8. Lee | March 29, 2008
A friend of mine mentioned that another author, Parag Khanna, had a book, The Second World, being published around the same time as mine from Random House. (read the New York Times Magazine cover excerpt.)
And it turns out, really really around the same time. We ended up overlapping a lot in our tours. His event in Barnes and Noble was one night before mine. His Washington D.C.’s Politics and Prose was the night after mine. Our Boston Harvard Book Store events were six days apart. We both headed to San Francisco for a few days. Then I literally crossed paths with him in the studios of KPCC where he was coming in of his Airtalk interview (listen here) as I was going into my Airtalk interview (listen here).
If we you were to combine our theses, it would be that the Chinese are increasing their sphere of influence over the world starting with the proliferation of restaurants.
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