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Fortune cookies find their way back to Japan (and Mexico and Iraq)
By Jennifer 8. Lee | March 31, 2008
Tomoko, who played an important role in the Japan section of the book (and the wardrobe advice for the book launch) sent me this email today:
yesterday, as i was headed out of office, i noticed one of my colleagues had a bright orange book in her bag. i thought to myself, ‘wow, that looks like jenny’s book.’ i went to put on my coat and then realized, wait, no other book is that color…that must be her book! so i swung by the desk again, and i was right! so i ran up to her and said, ‘i couldn’t help but notice that book in your bag…’ and she proceeded to tell me how she read a review of the book, wanted to read it, so asked her brother to bring it from the u.s., and how she was enjoying it a lot. then i smiled and said, you know, i’m kind of in the book. she squeals, ‘what?!?’
so point is, jenny has a reader in japan! one that did not find out about book through tomoko and went out of her way to get it.
And another person on Amazon wrote he wanted the book badly enough that he got it couriered to Mexico City. And another friend got the book delivered to Baghdad, where he is working. The lengths that people are going to to get this book is pretty neat. The fortune cookie marches on. Â Send pictures! I will post them.
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