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Pastrami (“Pastsami”) and Shrimp Fried Rice from Amazing 66 — more Sino-Judaic cuisine
By Jennifer 8. Lee | December 24, 2007
Another Sino-Judaic culinary adventure: as recommended by David Sax of Save the Deli fame, I tried the pastrami shrimp fried rice from Amazing 66 at 66 Mott Street in New York City’s Chinatown. Photo above, menu (with “pastsami” misspelled) below:
Basically, if you are wondering: it tastes a lot like Yangzhou fried rice, except that instead of roast pork (which is a it sweet), except with pastrami (which has more of a salty tang). Now the strange thing is: the reason you would make fried rice with pastrami (which is beef) instead of roast pork is to make it kosher, I suppose. But then they go and make it pastrami shrimp fried rice, which kinda defeats that whole idea.
Topics: Chinese Food, Jews & Chinese Food | No Comments »
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