The Fortune Cookie Chronicles

  • #26 on the New York Times Best Seller List
    and featured on The Colbert Report, Martha Stewart,, CNN, The Today Show, Good Morning America, Charlie Rose Tomorrow, Newsweek, Entertainment Weekly, and NPR stations coast to coast. Also selected for Borders Original Voices and Book Sense. Follow me on Twitter! Fan me on Facebook.

  • Archive for December 25th, 2007

    Christmas, Chinese food and a movie: An American Jewish Tradition

    Tuesday, December 25th, 2007

    Today is Christmas, which is the single busiest day for some Chinese restaurants in the whole year (in New York, Miami, parts of LA and San Francisco) — driven by the Jews. At Manhattan’s Upper West Side Shun Lee, for example, it is twice as busy as the next busiest day. Arguably, it’s as an […]

    Available in white in five different sizes.

    Tuesday, December 25th, 2007

    My friend, Tim Layman, sent me an e-mail with the subject line “” and the body “Why can you buy ‘I Love Jennifer 8. Lee’ t-shirts from there?” I was like, what are you talking about? He wrote back: “went on Amazon to look up your book but I searched for “Jennifer 8 Lee” instead […]