The Fortune Cookie Chronicles

  • #26 on the New York Times Best Seller List
    and featured on The Colbert Report, Martha Stewart,, CNN, The Today Show, Good Morning America, Charlie Rose Tomorrow, Newsweek, Entertainment Weekly, and NPR stations coast to coast. Also selected for Borders Original Voices and Book Sense. Follow me on Twitter! Fan me on Facebook.

  • Archive for February 4th, 2009

    I’m Up Before the Sunrise at the TED Conference

    Wednesday, February 4th, 2009

    I’m at the TED conference in Long Beach, Calif. and because I have had to become an early riser on the East Coast to do Morning Buzz, I was up at like 5 a.m. this morning, Way before sunlight. A number of people had read The Fortune Cookie Chronicles, so I was touched. And some […]