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Our copyeditors seem to like it thus far…
By Jennifer 8. Lee | November 9, 2007
My editors have been telling me that the copy editors who have been working on the book, have said nice things about it. (three cheers for copy editors, they catch the most amazing thing). One email forwarded to me by one of the copy editors:
I did manage to get it back one day sooner than the extended deadline but couldn’t pull it up any further–it did actually need quite a bit of work. On the plus side, it’s really marvelous. I was so focused on the work I was doing moment by moment that I never pulled back enough to mention to the author how good a book it is–fabulous and wide-ranging research, interesting parallels drawn and conclusions reached. She also manages to take what at first seem like disparate chapters and weave them together, both factually and thematically. It’s all really quite fascinating. So if it’s possible, please pass my compliments along to her.
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