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There really are two menus in Chinese restaurants? Is this dog or “lamb”
By Jennifer 8. Lee | November 2, 2007
The Moscow Times reports the police are investigating a Chinese restaurant for killing dogs and serving them.
A Chinese restaurant in southwest Moscow is being investigated on suspicion of rounding up dogs on the street, killing them and passing their cooked meat off to customers as lamb, city police said Monday.
Two residents went to police after seeing suspicious activity near the restaurant, located at 88 Prospekt Vernadskogo, near the Yugo-Zapadnaya metro station, police spokeswoman Irina Volk said.
“They reported seeing a truck pull up to the restaurant and restaurant employees unloading bags in which something was moving and whining,” Volk said.
After the tip-off, undercover police officers went and posed as clients, ordering a number of dishes from the restaurant, which is located in a dormitory near Moscow State Pedagogical University and caters primarily to Chinese and Vietnamese clientele, as well as local students, Volk said.
“Tests showed that the meat being sold as lamb was actually dog meat,” Volk said.
Most of the dogs were strays, and many were sick, but several of the dogs likely had owners and had merely gotten lost, she said.
My first impulse upon reading it was this has somewhat of an urban legend feel to it (though dog meat is eaten by the Chinese and Koreans), then I hit upon this line, and knew it was probably true.
The dog meat was sold as lamb to most of the restaurant’s clients, but it was advertised as dog to its Chinese clientele, she said.
So if you ever wondered if there really two menus — for Chinese and non-Chinese, the answer is yes.
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